The Spa at Potters Resorts Five Lakes Spa Review
Write your Spa review
Complete the form below and hit the submit button to write your review.
Helpful tips
Struggling to find the words? we've put together some points to inspire you!
What to write
- Give a title that sums up your review in 3 or 4 words
- Describe your SpaSeekers booking experience
- Describe your spa experience including the quality of treatments
- Include the condition and cleanliness of the spa
- Were you satisfied overall and would you return?
- What did you like best and least?
What not to write
- Use profanity, threats, or personal insults
- Include e-mail addresses or phone numbers
- Write in ALL CAPS
- This is not a complaint facility. Readers of your review want to read about the spa. Should you wish to make a complaint please see our procedure point 9 on our terms & conditions page